Here is the third part to my posts regarding being a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). Read part 1 here and part 2 here.
I learned to plan ahead. In the early days, I didn't have a schedule and just went with the flow. This was fine in the beginning when I was adjusting to mommyhood, but I eventually felt like I was in the movie Groundhog Day. I found myself getting bored, the days became long, and I no longer knew what day or time it was. Also, if I decided to do something last minute, by the time I got Leah ready and all her stuff together, she either wanted to take a nap or wanted to eat.
I eventually figured out that I'm a person that likes to have things planned and organized. I implemented a flexible schedule for each day, so at any given time, I had a sense of what would be going on. For example, at 9:30am Leah would be napping, so I could shower and do laundry or 11:30am is lunch, so I could schedule lunch dates at that time or figure out what I need to make. I really began to enjoy being at SAHM once there was more structure in my life.
I learned to take time for myself. Being a new mom, it's really easy to get consumed with all things baby and even easier to forget to take care of yourself. There would be days I stayed in sweats all day or when I forgot to eat lunch. Then I would walk past the mirror and wonder... who is that?!
Once I put Leah in day care twice a week, I really took advantage of this time. Not only did I use it to get all my errands done, but I also would meet up with friends for lunch, get a pedicure, go to the gym, or do some shopping. I felt refreshed, and when it was time to pick up Leah, I missed her so much, I smothered her in hugs and kisses. It also felt nice to look and feel put together for my husband.
I learned to find a group of mommies with kids close to Leah's age. I was one of the first in my group of girlfriends to have a baby. While I love to meet up with them for dinner or get togethers, occasionally I did feel disconnected. This
article does a really good job of explaining the feeling.
When I signed up for Gymboree, I ended up finding a group of mommies that I really connected with. Since then, we've been on numerous play dates where the kids have buddies to hang out with and the moms can have some adult conversation. We've even had a few "Mom's Night Out," and let me tell you, the topics we cover are hilarious!
I learned to really appreciate my parents. I've always had a pretty good relationship with my parents. Of course I went through some rebellious teenage years, but I've actually always enjoyed hanging out with them. Even before Leah, I knew my parents worked very hard in order to support the family and give us a comfortable life.
My parents as grandparents, however, are amazing! They constantly provide us with food that's pre-washed and pre-trimmed, they never turn down a request to babysit, they'll walk around with Leah if she gets restless at restaurants so we can eat, they've traveled with us, and they've watched Leah overnight. We're really blessed that they live close by, and Leah is super attached to them.
I learned to appreciate this time I get to be Leah's primary caregiver. She is growing up way too fast, and I find myself taking a moment everyday to mentally note every aspect of this rapidly changing little girl. I may eventually decide to go back to work once the kids are older, but right now, I'm soaking it all up. Today, she'll be a little monkey and want me to carry her all day. Tomorrow, she'll be off to college. ;)
What have you learned since becoming a parent?