We've had a jammed packed couple of days full of family, fun, and celebrating the birth of our Savior. I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
First Haircut!
Well, it finally happened. I was putting it off even though she recently has disliked wearing a hair clip and has to keep brushing hair off her face. I was also super nervous that she wouldn't be able to sit still, but she did great! We went to the Yellow Balloon in Studio City, and they are amazing with kids! She needed to sit on my lap, but once they distracted her with a basket of toys, she didn't even notice what was going on. The lady styled her hair with two little bows, and when Leah looked at herself in the mirror, she shouted "Yay!" and clapped her hands. She then immediately asked for popcorn and sat nicely while I was able to snap a couple pictures. I'm still getting used to the cut though, because she looks so much older!
Thank you, Leah, for being such a good girl!
Friday, December 20, 2013
A Glimpse of the Week
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Pizza Making!
Photo by Bob Cho |
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Photo by Bob Cho |
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Photo by Bob Cho |
We had such a fun weekend filled with swimming classes, birthday parties, and pizza making! Our good friends own Tomato Pie Pizza Joint and so graciously put on a little pizza making class for a couple of their son's little friends. They got to play with dough, put toppings on, attempt to toss it, and eat the final product! The adults had a ton of fun too. Leah continues to talk about it a couple days later. Hopefully, we'll get to do it again! Thanks Tomato Pie!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Pregnancy...Round 2
A lot of people have asked me how pregnancy is the second time around. I mentioned here that physically, I was more nauseous and tired the first trimester into early second trimester. Mentally, it has also been a whole different ballgame.
After going through the experience of pregnancy once and now having to keep up with a toddler, it has actually been really hard to soak in the fact that I am pregnant. I have yet to take a picture of my growing belly. I have yet to think of any names besides the ones Matt suggests {he has been diligently keeping a list of potential names he likes in his phone}. I have yet to do any type of nursery preparation besides posting a few pins on Pinterest. With Leah, I wrote in my pregnancy journal, and organized all my sonogram photos by week. With #2, you'll find sonogram photos on the kitchen counter, in my bag, on the desk, etc. Then, I walk past a mirror and see my belly or feel little kicks and rolls and am reminded that I have this amazing little human being growing inside me. I feel guilty that this pregnancy hasn't received the same amount of attention as the first one, but there is no doubt that the amount of love we have for this tiny baby is already immeasurable.
For mothers going through pregnancy again, how has the second {or third or fourth} time differed from the first one for you?
*Photo by Goofyfoot Photography
Monday, December 2, 2013
Over the Holiday...
Photo by Jeff So |
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend with nice full bellies. I definitely ate my fair share plus more! Good thing I have an excuse to eat for two! We spent Thanksgiving with both families, and Leah was in heaven. She loved playing with all her cousins, and I could hear her squeals and giggles from a mile away. I love spending time with our families, and am truly grateful that they all live close by.
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Photo by Bob Cho |
Saturday, we had a little party for Leah's birthday at Amy's Playground. We invited Leah's closest little friends, and Amy's Playground was the perfect venue. They pretty much do everything for you, and all I had to worry about was providing drinks and paper supplies for the parents. It was completely stress free, and I was able to concentrate on the guests.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so many things to be thankful for this year. I'm thankful for my family, for Matt and Leah, my health, this tiny baby growing inside my belly, for friends, for a roof over my head, for an abundance of food that fills my tummy, and for my salvation. We're having lunch with Matt's family and then dinner with mine. I will for sure be sleeping well tonight! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
*photo by Goofyfoot Photography
Monday, November 25, 2013
Family Photos 2013

We took our family photos a couple weeks ago, and I'm so happy with the way they turned out! Taking photos with a toddler is exhausting. I get anxious and often feel like we won't get any good photos, because Leah wasn't able to stand still long enough or wasn't in a good mood. Thankfully, I'm always pleasantly surprised! Sorry for the photo overload. I had a hard time choosing which ones to post!
See photos from last year here.
*photos by Goofyfoot Photography
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Cupcakes & Feasts
What a week! Besides celebrating Leah's birthday, Leah's school had their Thanksgiving feast, and we had 2 other birthday parties to attend this weekend.
We're having a little party for Leah next week, so for her real birthday we kept it low key at home. I made her mini buttermilk-vanilla cupcakes, and we sang Happy Birthday to her while she wore the crown she made at school. She was all smiles when she saw her cupcakes, and that was pretty much the only time she would wear her crown for longer than 10 seconds.
At school, the kids made little Pilgrim and Indian hats and sat around a big table together to eat a Thanksgiving lunch. I totally remember doing that as a kid too! Leah wasn't really feeling the food besides the corn, so I, of course, gladly finished her meal. :)
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Photo by Bob Cho |
Photo by Bob Cho |
Leah finished off the week having too much fun at the birthday parties and eating a ton of cake.
Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
A Letter to His Little Girl
Today you are 2! We have had such a fun and eventful 2 years with you, and feel so blessed to have you in our lives and family. Did I ever underestimate 2 year olds! I am amazed every day with how much you already know and understand, and how quickly you learn new things. You can count to 18, sing the alphabet, use a fork, do ballet moves with mommy, catch a ball, and swing a golf club (with your own interesting technique). You have such a fun personality and lively spirit. You love to knock down block towers and run away laughing, and you like dessert far more than dinner. You are not shy about requesting your favorite TV show ("Ickey (sic) Mouse"), and favorite breakfast (waffles, and some of daddy's protein shake). You are doing so well in school and at church, playing well with your friends, creating works of art, learning songs and saying your prayers. You are always polite, and remember to say "please" and "thank you" without us asking. I love you dearly and look forward to the years ahead!
Love, Daddy
*photo by Goofyfoot Photography
2 Years!
Oh man, really?! Has it been 2 years already??? While Leah's first year was amazing, this second year has been so much fun! Her personality is shining, and she is so full of life. Her giggle and laugh just light up my day, and I could seriously cuddle with her all day if she would only let me. Here are some updates from the past month:
- Weight: 24 lbs. 9.5 oz; Height: 35.12 inches {skinny & tall}
- I love discovering new songs she knows like "Jesus Loves Me," "Ring Around the Rosie," "Baa, Baa Black Sheep," "Rock a Bye Baby" I'm sure there are more we haven't uncovered yet.
- I mentioned before she's a daddy's girl, but let me say that again! If I wake her up in the morning, the first thing she will ask is "Where daddy go?" There have been days where she tells me to go into another room so that she can have daddy all to herself, and days when she's pretty much attached to Matt's hip.
- We're always amazed by how much information this girl can hold in her little brain. Everyday Matt goes through his checklist of items he needs to bring with him out the door - beeper, wallet, keys, cellphone, ID. Out of no where one day, Leah recited Matt's checklist exactly. I wonder how long she's been able to do that for!
- She told me "I love you, mommy" without me prompting her, and it just melted my heart!! She also now says this when she knows she did something she's not suppose to.
- Her favorite thing to do is to just run freely in open space. Her arms are flailing, hair blowing in the wind, and she has the biggest smile ever. She also loves to walk while holding on to each of our hands and to be chased by Matt.
- She's still obsessed with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and often walks around the house carrying those stuffed toys.
- She discovered how to unzip and take off her sleep sack. She'll do this in the middle of the night, and when we get her in the morning, she says "I did it!" The days of the sleep sack are over.
- While mealtime is definitely not her favorite, she prefers noodles/pasta, seaweed, fish, pizza, curry rice, dumplings, and of course, anything sweet.
Leah: My sweet darling girl. You have grown up so much this year. We enjoy having conversations with you, and you enjoy teasing us. Every night before mommy and daddy go to bed, we still watch you over the monitor and gush about the things you did that day that made us laugh. When I try to comprehend just how much I love you, I am humbled at the thought of how much more God loves us. I am thankful everyday that He has allowed me to be your momma, and I am excited for what this next year will bring. Happy 2nd birthday, little lady!! xoxo
*photo by Goofyfoot Photography
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Big News!
Leah's going to be a big sister! I've been waiting to share the news until we found out the sex of the baby, but this little one hasn't been wanting to cooperate! Looks like we're having a girl, but it's not 100% confirmed yet! We're 20 weeks along, and this pregnancy has definitely been different than the 1st one. I was/am way more nauseous this time around, and I've been so tired! I've been taking naps at the same time as Leah and have no motivation to sit in front of my computer {hence the infrequency in my posts!}. However, we feel so honored and blessed to be given another little gift from God, and we think Leah's going to love being a sister!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Happy Friday!
Leah wanted to take this goat home today. We don't have any pets at home, and Leah is usually pretty timid about touching or petting animals, but she was all over this little guy! It was so fun to watch!
This is the first time in awhile where we don't have any plans this weekend! I'm looking forward to having a laid back couple days. I also got a preview of the family photos we took last weekend. I can't wait to share them!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Happy Veterans Day! (a day late)
Friday, November 8, 2013
Is it Friday Already?
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My little Mouseketeer |
This week flew by! Most of the week was spent running errands, but we did get a chance to visit Disneyland. They're preparing for the Christmas season, and I'm so excited to go back to see the park when it's all dressed up! Disneyland during the holidays is magical!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Happy Halloween!
I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Leah's day care had a Noah's Ark theme day, and all the kids dressed as animals or people on the Ark. They had a little parade and special lunch in the morning. It was so cute. We borrowed a horse costume from a friend, and luckily, I was able to get some photos of her because she was so busy running around!
In the evening, we went over to a friend's house to trick-or-treat in their neighborhood. Leah was suppose to be Minnie Mouse, but she refused to put the costume on. She totally enjoyed getting candy from the houses though, and I loved hearing her say "trick-or-treat!" and "Happy Halloween!"
Have a great weekend, and don't forget to turn your clocks back before you go to bed Saturday!
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