Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Letter to His Little Girl


Today you are 2!  We have had such a fun and eventful 2 years with you, and feel so blessed to have you in our lives and family.  Did I ever underestimate 2 year olds!  I am amazed every day with how much you already know and understand, and how quickly you learn new things.  You can count to 18, sing the alphabet, use a fork, do ballet moves with mommy, catch a ball, and swing a golf club (with your own interesting technique).  You have such a fun personality and lively spirit.  You love to knock down block towers and run away laughing, and you like dessert far more than dinner.  You are not shy about requesting your favorite TV show ("Ickey (sic) Mouse"), and favorite breakfast (waffles, and some of daddy's protein shake).   You are doing so well in school and at church, playing well with your friends, creating works of art, learning songs and saying your prayers.  You are always polite, and remember to say "please" and "thank you" without us asking.  I love you dearly and look forward to the years ahead!  

Love, Daddy

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