We're celebrating Ava's 9 month birthday today! She continues to grow leaps and bounds, and she's also so much more interactive. This has been a really fun month. Here are some updates:
- Climbs up steps
- Another 2 teeth came in - making a total of 8!
- Waves "hi!"
- Gives kisses
- Starting to get the concept of clapping
- Said her first word - Ma ma! woohoo!
- Signs "more" and "milk"
- Had her first hair cut! One side of her hair was growing significantly longer than the other side, so we evened it out.
Ava: What a month this has been! Everyday you seem to accomplish something new, and sometimes I have a difficult time keeping track. Even though you aren't saying words, I feel like we have conversations with each other because you are so engaged and reactive to what we say. You have started to give the sweetest kisses now, and even though they are often wet and booger-y, I can't get enough of them. I can't believe you turn 1 in just 3 months, which means I need to start planning your birthday party! AHH! Happy 9 months, my dear! Love you so much! Mommy
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