What a week! Besides celebrating Leah's birthday, Leah's school had their Thanksgiving feast, and we had 2 other birthday parties to attend this weekend.
We're having a little party for Leah next week, so for her real birthday we kept it low key at home. I made her mini buttermilk-vanilla cupcakes, and we sang Happy Birthday to her while she wore the crown she made at school. She was all smiles when she saw her cupcakes, and that was pretty much the only time she would wear her crown for longer than 10 seconds.
At school, the kids made little Pilgrim and Indian hats and sat around a big table together to eat a Thanksgiving lunch. I totally remember doing that as a kid too! Leah wasn't really feeling the food besides the corn, so I, of course, gladly finished her meal. :)
Photo by Bob Cho |
Photo by Bob Cho |
Leah finished off the week having too much fun at the birthday parties and eating a ton of cake.
Hope everyone's having a great weekend!