Monday, October 21, 2013

A Boomers Birthday Party

"Playing" Deal or No Deal

We drove down to Orange County last Saturday to celebrate my niece's 5th birthday at Boomers. We prepped Leah that morning to say "Happy Birthday, Alyssa!" and discovered she already knew the song! She must have learned that from her day care.

She saw the Disney princess themed birthday cake my sister-in-law's sister made and was fascinated! She wanted to dive into it, but we told her she had to eat lunch first. She quickly downed a piece of chicken, and then continued to ask for cake. She was really good and waited patiently for everyone to sing "Happy Birthday," watched closely as the cake was being cut, and then she finally got her piece!

Not quite tall enough to ride the train on her own. 

The birthday girl!
Matt rock climbing
Our little princess

After the cake, it was time to play on the attractions outside. Leah loved going on the train ride, and she even manage to play 18 holes of miniature golf! We were so proud of her! We had a fun-filled day and look forward to visiting Boomers again soon!

And here's a little video of her singing for her cousin and daddy:


  1. Good job singing Leah!!! Such a cutie!

  2. We showed the video to Alyssa. She loved it

  3. She is truly an angel!! Love her sweet little voice. <3

  4. She is so precious Vivian!!! I just want to hold her.


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