Saturday, July 21, 2012

8 Months!

My baby girl turned 8 months today!  Everyday she does something different.  Here's what she's been up to lately:
  • Still wearing size 2 diapers but I have a feeling she'll need to move up pretty soon.
  • Starting to eat chunkier foods and some spices.  She's still a great eater and has eaten everything I've made for her.  She hasn't seemed to not like anything yet.  I've been making some combination foods such as coconut rice pudding with apricot puree, avocado with cucumber and curry powder, potato with beets.
  • Started to put her hands on the top rail of her crib so we needed to lower it a little.
  • Pulling up to her knees but not yet crawling.  She can sometimes push herself backwards and pull herself forward using her arms.
  • Getting a lot better at the pincher grasp.  She can pick up her puffs and put them in her mouth and only a couple will end up on the floor.  She actually pinches me pretty hard sometimes while she's nursing. 
  • When she says mama and dada now, we definitely know she means us!
  • She gives us kisses when we say "kiss kiss!"
  • She'll look around for me when she hears my voice but can't see me.
  • Has become a lot more attached to mommy.  She has a little bit of stranger anxiety and will whine when other people hold her whom she's not familiar with.  If she's tired and cranky she definitely wants her mama.  Not even daddy can console her at that point. 
Leah:  Mommy has been putting away more and more clothes that don't fit you anymore and it's a little bittersweet.  You are growing so fast and I wish time would slow down.  At Gymboree, you are no longer the youngest and littlest.  At the same time, it's been amazing to watch you develop a distinct personality.  You are such a happy baby and you love your mommy and daddy so much.  Every morning you are full of giggles, smiles, and kisses.  You love people and would much rather interact with adults and kids rather than play with your toys.  You are becoming so aware of your surroundings and study everything around you.  Baby girl, we love you so much and I can't wait to see what the next month will bring!  xoxo

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