Officially in the double digits! I just booked her first birthday party venue, and it's becoming real that the number of days that I have a baby in the house is quickly dwindling. Here are some updates:
- Signs "all done" - which often is mistaken for waving "hi!"
- Puts her hands to her face when we say "oh no!"
- Loves to play peekaboo!
- Starting to really recognize and want to interact with her friends! it's the cutest thing to watch them smile and reach for each other!
- Her favorite toy is any toy Leah is playing with
- Favorite food: everything she's allowed to eat!
Ava: You are really on the move now, and you love to climb up on everything. Leah has been helping us keep an extra eye on you. She's also really good at telling us when you have a poopy diaper, which seems to be pretty often. :) Even though it can be exhausting carrying you around, making sure you don't hurt yourself, or feeding you fast enough, your big smiles and gentle demeanor make it all worth it. I seriously never get tired of your smile. Happy 10 months! xoxo, Mommy