Sunday, January 27, 2013
Just Chillin...
on the bed, checking Instagram. Leah has taken a liking to hanging out on mommy and daddy's bed. She took my phone, leaned back, and straight up scrolled through my phone. This girl cracks me up!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Ellen's Birthday Show!
A few months ago, I had standby tickets to the Ellen DeGeneres show. I didn't make it into the actual show, but we got to sit in the riff raff room (next to the stage). While waiting to check-in that day, I was chosen to go through the Halloween Hallway! I don't think it aired anywhere though. The cool thing about getting standby tickets is that they guarantee tickets to a future show! Originally, we were booked to go in March, but I received a call earlier this month asking if I wanted to go to Ellen's Birthday show on the 24th! Um... YES!
My friend and I were so excited to go, and luckily, it happened to be a day Leah was in day care. When I arrived, I bumped into a childhood friend that I haven't seen in probably 4 years! We got 2nd row seats and were in the aisle Ellen danced through. We were literally 2 inches away from her! :) Jude Law and Katy Perry were guests, and we received a bunch of gift cards and a 2 night stay at a resort in San Diego including a round of golf and spa! This was probably the biggest giveaway I've ever received! The show was so much fun, although super tiring from all the dancing! Since it was Ellen's birthday show, they also handed out cupcakes to everyone!
I DVRed the show, and they actually showed us a bunch of time! I'm so glad I got this opportunity! Happy Birthday, Ellen!
Monday, January 21, 2013
14 Months!
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Leah thinks its funny that she won't let me dress her today. |
Leah turned 14 months on the 21st! Physically, she hasn't seemed to change much, but in the past month she's been able to do and say so much more! Here are some updates:
- Added signs are "please" and "milk"
- Says "ba" for book, bottle, and bath "ba-ba" for bubble and "pa" for pop
- Says "bye-bye"
- "Da-da" turned into "da-eee"
- Can do animal sounds for snake, tiger, sheep, and dog
- Starting to get the concept of using utensils. The food makes it into her mouth about half the time
- Finally standing up on her own and taking a few steps. She's still really hesitant and cautious though. After she takes 2-5 steps, she'll sit back down
Leah: We've really seen you grown mentally this past month. I feel like you understand almost everything we say, and you're so good at following instructions. We can't get anything past you, however. If we try to hide something from you, you know where to find it. If you're focused on going somewhere or doing something, nothing can distract you from what you want. You're a very affectionate baby. You give me and other kids so many hugs and kisses. You don't give that many to daddy though, but you love to tease him. We love seeing you smile and giggle, and can't wait to see what you'll do next month! We love you so much! xoxo
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Dancer Wedding
It's been a crazy week! To start it off, Sunday was Jhinezka's wedding at Altadena Town & Country Club. Jhinezka and I are old coworkers, and the first day we got put on a project together we became forever friends. I had the honor to be a bridesmaid at her wedding and it was so much fun! I wish I had more photos, but I was too busy being part of the wedding! Everything was put together well, and I'm so proud of her. She's an amazing woman and mother, and she's going to be an amazing wife. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Dancer!!
What Leah was doing while I was gone. Photo by Ann So |
Washing the Car
We had such amazing weather over the weekend that Matt decided to wash the cars. Too bad it's raining today though. Leah decided she wanted to help daddy. She was obsessed with the bucket of soapy water and pretty much wanted to dive in. Even though I was secretly cringing inside at how wet she was getting, it was adorable seeing how much fun she was having.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
On the 15th, my family got a scare when my 7 week old nephew needed to undergo emergency hernia surgery as well as an appendectomy. When I first heard the news, it definitely halted my activities for the next few days. My brother sent me the photo above, and it totally broke my heart to see him in that state. Thankfully, he is recovering well and was able to go home after a couple days. My nephew handled the situation like a champ with very minimal crying and fussing, even after not being able to eat for 24 hours! This is definitely a reminder that life is very fragile and we should not take anything for granted. I can't wait to visit the little guy!
* photos by Jeff So
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Recent Photos
Not too much has been going on lately. We've been recuperating from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and staying indoors since it's been cold out! I did, however, watch a movie by myself for the first time ever. I've been wanting to watch "Gangsta Squad" since I'm a Ryan Gosling fan. I dropped Leah off at daycare and watched it at a Mommy and Me screening (without Leah!). Great movie!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
These Dolls...
freak my baby out! The only time I've seen Leah somewhat scared is if she's thrown too high in the air or if she's wary of a complete stranger. We got these dolls a couple years ago from Matt's sister as a Christmas gift (before I was even pregnant). We put them up on a shelf in our kitchen, and this weekend Leah noticed them and started pointing at them. Matt took them down to show her and they totally scared her! I know, I'm horrible for video taping her, but I couldn't help it! I find it hilarious and so cute. Hopefully she'll laugh when I show her the video one day.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year!
Calling up her buddies to come over |
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New Years Kiss! Photo taken by Bob Cho |
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year celebration. On New Years Eve, we had a few other families over for a potluck dinner. Everyone brought amazing food. The menu consisted of baked brie, broccoli salad, mini spinach bread bowls, brussels sprouts, lasagna, prime rib, and sticky butter toffee pudding! We had 4 one year old babies in the house, and boy was it chaotic. It was so fun watching these babies crawl/walk around everywhere especially since they've known each other since they were practically newborns. However, trying to get all 4 babies together for a picture proved to be a failure. Matt and I tried to stay up till midnight, but we ended up passing out at 11pm.
Today, we went to my brother's for a New Years lunch with my family. We had another amazing meal consisting of tri tip, lobster tails, crab legs, and asparagus! This was the first time all 3 cousins have been together since last time we tried Leah was sick.
We also took down the Christmas tree and decorations today. I'm in denial the holidays are over, but I'm looking forward to what 2013 will bring! Happy New Year!!
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